Define hedonism
Define hedonism

define hedonism define hedonism define hedonism

Pretty much, whatever humans do in a bid to improve the quality of their lives is calculated to reduce or minimize pain and maximize pleasure at the same time. In this case, pleasure is considered as good and should be pursued at all costs and that pain is bad and should be avoided through all means possible. Hedonism is a philosophy that has branched into various theories that seek to explain how the pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain is man’s driving force of existence. This implies that hedonism is the driving force of your very existence. This is not just plain pleasure when you are d one with whatever you call work but you are the type that seeks pleasure and avoids pain as much as possible even when you are at work. If the pursuit of pleasure is the central motivation for your life then, well, you are a hedonist.

Define hedonism